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Rotated Kuris

150.43 € VAT included
126.42 € without VAT

Stock: Available

Minimum order is 50 lei, VAT included.

Description Rotated Kuris

Rotating kuris. Listed price is per piece.
Code: KURIS-ROT-10 ---
Quantity: 1 piece
Description: Cutting unit with round or hexagonal disc diameter 10cm in diameter
Usage: Cuts materials with a maximum thickness of 25mm, model RC-100, 220V, 300Watt, 0.8A, 50 / 60Hz
Warranty 12 months from date of purchase


Cutting machine with disk RSD-100

<User Manual>

Cutting machine with round knife, handy, easy to handle, weighing about 2 Kg.

It can cut almost any type of textile material, such as:

- cotton

- Synthetic material (liqueur)

- Velor

- velvet fiber (in, cinepa)

- skin

- paper, etc.

The machine is provided with a plug-in connector plug. The cable is made up of three wires, two are electric and one for in-shoe. To start, press the ON / OFF button, located on the plastic handle of the car.


For sharpening the knife, we have the device on the front with an abrasive stone. Gently pressing the button on the right side, the stone sticks to the knife and after 5-6 turns of the knife we ​​can say that I have sharpened the knife. Avoid sharpening the knife too much, a too strong and long pressing that leads to premature cutting of the knife and abrasive stone. Before sharpening the insulating knife, both the stone and the knife are clean and have no lint.


After disconnecting the machine from the power source, using the wrench inserted into the two holes of the disc, it rotates in the opposite direction of rotation of the clock needles to undo the knife. The wear of the knife must not exceed the shearing plate of the machine.


It disconnects the car from the current source to avoid accidental start-up and if it does not allow for a new adjustment of the stone support, then they will be replaced with new ones. We will press the rocker's knob towards the knife and lock the central shaft with the hole on the shaft.


After a longer use, we will notice that the car loses power, this time being approximately 2 years, in a normal regime without being forced (ingested) during the cutting, and misplaced daily with a minimal amount of grease. The machine will be used for a maximum of 3 hours a day with cooling pauses. The length of the cores shall not be less than 4 mm. After unpacking the plastic screw, remove the used coin and insert a new one with the pressing spring up.


For a good operation and without having an early wear on the parts inside the machines, a small amount of grease is recommended daily. After one year of operation, it is recommended that the bearings and the internal drive bolt be thoroughly repaired and lubricated.


The machine is recommended to be used in a 3-hour regime of 8 per day with cooling pauses. Take into account the hardness and stiffness of the cut material. For a rarer and thinner material a span of approximately 2 cm can be used.


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For UE, shipping will be calculated later depending on the weight of the goods you purchased.

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